Tuesday, March 14, 2017

A Girl’s Guide to Middle East – The Safer, The Better!

First things first – I always thought it is unsafe for women to travel to Middle East because of the huge cultural gap that exists between the countries here and in the rest of the world. However, now things are a little different with me and I know exactly how to address women who’re travelling alone in the Middle East. 

So, this blog is for those girls who’ve already made their min about travelling to countries in the Middle East, and it aims to cover exactly everything that you need – from the tips, to the stuff you need to carry and even the slightest details that may be necessary. 

Middle East – Seeking beauty Through The Eyes Of A Traveler Woman 

The Middle East may seem like an exclusive destination to some female travelers, but over the years it has developed beautifully in terms of culture that there’s no reason why women should miss out on visiting this fascinating country, rich with history, a unique culture and beautiful scenery.

Despite the vast cultural differences in attitudes to women, this is the land that women would love to explore. With a little common sense, and a respect for cultural and religious differences, you can still travel and stay safe in the Middle East.

Answering your question – To Cover or Not To Cover 

The first thing that strikes in the mind of most women like me is how important it is to cover your body when in Middle East – and the answer is – ‘Yes, it is important except a few of them where it is still okay to not cover the body.’

Unless you’re travelling to a part of the Middle East that requires you to do so by law (such as Iran, Yemen and Saudi Arabia), there is no need to cover your hair. In fact, if you’re not a Muslim and do not wish to a hijab it is okay – just make sure you dress respectfully. 

A scarf is always considered a funky accessory, and you can simply wear it on your head covering the hair when in or around the mosques in the area. Look around and see what the locals are wearing, since this is of maximum help in deciding your outfit. 

As for the beach area, it is okay to wear whatever you want to and nobody would really question you. But, just remember just because it is okay to wear whatever you want to, you should. Unless you’re travelling to a part of the Middle East that requires you to do so by law (such as Iran, Yemen and Saudi Arabia), there is no need to cover your hair.

A Little Shukran Goes A Long Way 

While being able to communicate in Arabic is simply difficult, learning some things very important will help you. The locals here may not be comfortable in communicating in English, so try to learn the basics of Arabic – easy communication techniques that go a long way. 

Greet them with salam alaykum (literally, peace be upon you) and thank by saying shukran – you’ll be able to relate with them in some way or the other. 

Other Necessary Tips – 
  1. Share information wisely 
  2. Decide where to stay before you reach there
  3. Gather knowledge of the place and people
  4. Ask the locals for advice
  5. Be prepared pharmaceutically 

All the information provided above is all women need to know when travelling to the countries in the Middle East. 

Just one tip – avoid getting in long conversations with people you do not know and if you feel uncomfortable about any advances say no immediately. 

And, since you’re a woman traveler, just remember to be proud of your decision to travel, because not every day a woman decides to travel to the Middle East – you’re courageous, confident and beautiful.

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